Facial Liposuction:

Facial Liposuction

 In many people loose skin and fat are deposited below the chin. Often prominent jowling develops over the jaw bone. These conditions can exist without the onset of age. A relatively new procedure has been developed to remove this excess fat. This procedure is often combined with a face lift and sometimes combined with a chin augmentation.


The Operation

       The operation is most frequently done using Light sleep anesthesia and a local anesthetic to numb the face. Small incisions are placed under the chin and behind both earlobes.  A small suction cannula is passed directly beneath the skin to remove the excess fatty tissue deposits Often a facelift procedure is then performed with or without the placement of a chin implant.


The First Week After Surgery

       There is generally minimal pain after surgery. The patient is to wear a pressure dressing for seven to ten days after surgery. The head should remain elevated while sleeping for the first two weeks after surgery.

Discoloration and swelling disappear for the most part in two weeks. Some swelling may take as much as three months to resolve. The patient generally does not notice swelling, just that the facial contours become more and more defined over that time.

There’s More To It!

       Can the fat come back? If one should gain an excess amount of weight then some increase in roundness can occur. However, weight gain will never occur to the same degree in the areas undergoing the operation.

       Like any surgery there are some risks to the operation. They are minimal and infrequent. Bleeding, infection, numbness and lumpiness are the complications of this operation. They are quite uncommon. Lumpiness can occur more frequently but generally disappears with time.



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